Wednesday, February 2, 2011

sleep is sacred!

My whole life, I have been a sleeper. I relish in a good night's sleep. And I am an absolute grouch if I don't get enough! Well, not all of the time. 
Me...sleeping...about two or three years old

I guess that is what children do. They kind of change everything about you, in every aspect of your life!
When I was in high school, I went to bed by 9pm, I loved it. And even now...I am in bed by nine or ten. No, not ten...nine. Oh who am I kidding...sometimes I go to be by 8pm!
And sometimes, its before Ellis goes to bed! And he is two! Thank God Jesse puts him to sleep.

I think sleep is great...not because of the fact that you are sleeping, resting, calm. But because it gives your body the chance to rejuvenate, to heal, to be still, and dream. 

I also love sleeping faces...they are so relaxed, no frowns, no smiles, just droopy! I especially love kids sleeping faces. They make me smile. 

Jenner. Peacefully sleeping on my chest.
Jenner, my little prince. Prince of Busy, Prince of Holy Terror, Prince of Getting-in-to-all-types-of-trouble-so-that-I-drive-my-mommy-crazy, Prince Charming, however, does NOT need a good, solid nights sleep. Nope. Not him. He goes to bed by 7pm now and sleeps until 11pm or, if we're lucky, midnight. Then he spends the remainder of the early morning fighting sleep. Squirming, turning, yelling, crying, squeaking, laughing, playing, rolling, wiggling, standing in his crib staring at me.  His crib is right beside our bed. RIGHT beside. We only have a two bedroom place right now, and I have tried to have them sleep in the same room, but poor Ellis...thankfully, is like me, and LOVES a good nights sleep. So to have Jenner waking him would be far worse than waking me. Ellis...well, Ellis is a force to be reckoned with. His daddy always says (especially if he wakes up grouchy) that he is just like me. Example...if Ellis wakes up too early, or gets woken up, all hell breaks loose. He is so out-of-control disagreeable that you kinda just want to put him back in to bed. Or find his off switch. He could say that he wants milk, then you hand him said requested milk, he will scream and bat it out of your hand, "NO! No muk! NOOOOO muk mommy!"

Ellis...fresh to the world. Squishy, little snuggly, old man Ellis.❤
Best thing to do; ignore him. Set his food and milk on the table and ignore the little guy. He will slowly wake up, he will slowly warm up to the fact that there are other people around him, and he will slowly get that look in his eyes. 

Ellis really does have a look in his eyes, they are incredible eyes. As soon as he opened them, the day he was could see it. Whatever it is.
He is so funny. He knows that his eyes are incredible, useful tools to get what he wants, to get reactions, to melt hearts...he's too smart.

Ellis, 1 year

Jenner, 6 months
Both my boys have beautiful eyes. Here's proof.

Am I being too forward? No...I'm just like every other momma, who thinks that their babies are the most incredible looking in the world. 

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Well, speaking of sleep, it is now time for Jenner's morning much more I could have written...maybe when my kids are sleeping...quiet, still. Their beautiful little eyes shut tight, dreaming of the trouble they can get into when they wake up!

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