It seems no one understands the daily struggles we face, unless they too, are at home, surrounded by babies, laundry, dishes, hand prints on windows, food stuck on carpets (that were FRESHLY steamed) or the high pitched screams...oh those screams. Which are not always sad or hurt, but mostly from excitement. Still...they hurt my ears.
A few days ago, I needed out. Just for a while...just to breath. So at 8:30pm I went tanning (so did Laura), I went to Wal-Mart to get ideas for Jenner's first birthday. And I can not believe my little baby is going to be one. Sigh. One!! He acts like a 15 month old...stomps his feet when he wants something. Lays down, very slowly, rolls over and fake cries, or when he "falls" which is really just sitting on his bum quickly, he looks at me for a reaction...for a "Jenner! Oh no! Are you ok!?" It doesn't matter what reaction he gets, because if I so much as make eye contact with him, for a split second after he falls, he cries. Its' really quite humorous. The first time...the forty times gets a little old. And he also says "No-ee, no-ee, no-ee" All. The. Time.
Little monkey.
So anyways, I am out and about. I am kid-free, husband-free...I am feeling good! Then I get a phone call, with a wailing child in the background...a child who should have been put in bed. I think, no, I know, that my husband was trying to hint to me to come home and deal with it...but, man, cell service is crappy in those big stores! So, my phone cut out, and I kept on strolling around.
In Superstore, I met a nice lady...who was also an escapee for the evening! She was so bubbly, and happily packing groceries, and the second we saw each other, she smiled...and said "I haven't been home for five hours!!" I kind of laughed, then she said "I just got my hair done! I went shopping, then I came here! My husband is going to think I left him!"
A few days later, I got my hair done...NICE! So nice to just sit there, talk and be pampered. I have even gone tanning a few times since!
The boys are growing and enjoying our new space. We have been busy visiting with friends, running errands, doing laundry and dishes! The usual...but it has been really lovely.
The snow has melted, we are outside a lot, and I am dreaming of the moment I can get my hands on my yard! Well..not so much excited about picking up the neighbor's dog's poop...but I am excited to landscape it...plant trees, flowers...put down stones. So excited!
I am also very excited to be returning back to part-time work. The first week of May I will start at our local Home Hardware which is such a beautiful store. You can check it out on facebook! They have devoted themselves to making that store what it is today! It has the nicest garden centre in Lloydminster, and that is the truth! I can't wait to start!
Anyways...the boys...the apples of my eyes! And the bags under them...I love my boys!
These two are starting to play and squeal and LAUGH together. Its the sweetest little sound...I recorded it. But couldn't upload it! Grrr!
Every weekday morning, Ellis perches himself on the couch and watches for the school bus...he yells "Loooook mommy LOOK!! The fool bus! Hello fool bus! How are you today!? Ah you taking da kids to fool? Can I ride you when I am a beeeg boy?"
Then he waves and says "Bye little geeyoos and boys! Have a good day!"
Heart melting. His little voice and fuzzy little hair...
Then we go downstairs, to the secret room, and pay school.
This little guy has done so well with the move. He misses the farm. A lot. He talks about poppa's tractor, about the big trucks, he told me the other night that this house was not our's just our new house...and that our home is at the farm.
It made me tear up, it kinda broke my the next morning we headed out to the farm for a visit. And just played outside with Josie and Halle. We payed in a puddle, and being the sweet little soul he is, Ellis asked me to help him make a stream so he could "set the water free". So we did. We dug with his shovel, and made a stream, and tried to empty the little puddle.
We did this for about forty minutes. He was so happy, and so muddy. It made his day. He still talks about it.
Like every boy he loves puddles...he tells me to drive through them..then he says "Uh oh! Now we gotta go to the cah wash!!!"
Hmm...this could get expensive.
But that day..I went through that puddle, I went through every puddle I could find and there was mud on all of the windows of the truck...and I had to go to the car wash.
Ellis LOVED it.
Jenner screamed in fear.
After supper, the little men had a bath...and later ran around naked...which they do every night after the bath...
I had to post a picture...because Jenner's little belly was so full! He looks like a little pot-belly piglet! Pink, rosy and chubby!
Don't worry...the picture is tastefully done!
See? Pot bellied pig syndrome.
A couple days after the visit to the farm, we went and picked up my Grandma Clara and brought her over for tea, supper, dessert, and more tea.
She was so happy, and loved watching Jenner run from room to room...while Ellis napped the afternoon away!
Jenner teases Grandma, just like his big brother does. He would run up to her, smile, then run away laughing, then circle around just barely teetering on one foot due to the speed of the turn, and he would run right back to her and rest his head on her leg. The second she rubbed his sweet little head, he'd shoot off again!
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