Me and the Loverboy |
No. Most people loathe it! Most people think its pointless, but there are some of us who love it...who relish in it...who expect to be showered with giant, over-priced gifts, smothered in bouquets of flowers and gorging ourselves on chocolates! It's the one day of the year where our partner must profess their love to us...where restaurants are booked solid for romantic candle lit dinners, wine glasses over flowing and hearts bursting with love and joy.
One of the most popular days for a man to drop down on one knee and propose to the one woman that they want to spend the rest of their lives with!
Oh its exciting! It's wonderful! It's pure bliss to be shown how much your lover loves to love you!
It's also a great way to be boastful of what gifts you were spoiled with...oh how loved you are to receive such fortunes!
Didn't we just finish breaking the bank at Christmas? Didn't we just do this? Didn't we all just get so sickenly spoiled by materialistic things!?
My, we are ever so deserving!
Why? Why do we need to blow our hard earned money on this day? It's like a rule that your man has to get you flowers, then this, then that....then whatever else...and if you don't get whatever it is you want, you are hurt?!
I'm not a hater of Valentine's...I just think there is way too much hype for one day.
Did I get gifts? Yes...Jes is out of the country right now, and spoiled me two days ago to make up for not being here on Valentine's Day.
Was I happy I got gifts? Absolutely! Who doesn't like gifts? But what I am why is there one day? Just one?
I'm not saying that everyday should be filled with gifts and flowers and the sort...just sayin' that everyday we should celebrate our love. And not just love for our of life, of friends, of family.
We should be thankful everyday for what we have, whether we are single or not...
My best friend Leanne said it best about her boyfriend, who she won't be able to see because they are both working...she said:
"I have a pretty special man in my life. The greatest gift Travis gives me are his words. They come straight from his heart. Especially when he says he loves me!!"
YES!!! Word to your mom! Thank you Leanne! Speak it!
I fully agree. I look at Leanne, who has been through some craptastic relationships...and she is now, full on, head over heels in love with a man who actually reciprocates her feelings! He adores her, deserves her...and it is fantastic! They barely get to see each other because of their work schedules and locations, but when they see each other they make the best of it! He supports her when she needs it, sets her in place when she needs it...he is to her what I am to her...only in male form!
(Haven't we all said that we want to date a man who is like our best girlfriend!?)
I think she found the me-him! HA!
They are best friends. And sadly, I haven't even met the guy! We all live in different provinces, I never travel anymore, and they spend whatever time they can have together...well, together. Or with family. And they both understand the importance of family. It's great. It's almost like every time they get to see each other is Valentine's Day all over again! They spend that time together, spoil each other with love and affection...
They can sit on her porch swing, just like in the picture below..that is one of her most favourite spots to be. I am so glad she gets to sit there, hand in hand with Travis...talking about love, life, their's a perfect way for them to waste an afternoon...and I hope they do that often. I hope that if she ever leaves the house she is in, that she will take that porch swing and spend years in it with him...getting old, wrinkly and more in
Beautiful Leanne, snuggling my little Ellis |
Why aren't the other 364 days like that?
I am not a religious person...but I am spiritual..and I don't pray, but I am just starting to get in to the habit of waking up in the morning, after a long sleepless night of being awake with Jenner, and asking myself, "What am I thankful for?" (Thank you brother Robin for always asking that, it has stuck with me now!)
I am thankful for my husband, because with out him I would have Ellis and Jenner, with out him I wouldn't have know how big my heart was, I would have known how deeply I can love.
I am thankful for every past crappy relationship or experience because with out them I wouldn't be who I am today. I am thankful to have my family close to me, physically and emotionally. I am thankful to have married in to such an amazing family, and even though they live across the country from us, I am grateful that we get to see them when we do...and I am so thankful that my boys have fond memories of Thunder Bay.
I am so thankful for all that has been placed in my hands from a higher power, I couldn't begin to write everything in one day. That is why I ask myself everyday. So everyday I can think of something new!
So, from now on, I vow to speak from my heart, to love freely, and to AP-PRE-CI-ATE what I have...not wish for things I don't have.
So yes, Happy Valentine's Day all you lovers...enjoy your day, enjoy these moments, but please...don't forget the next day, the day after that and the day after that...don't let your love wear off...keep it real, the other 364 days of the year!
This is a good one!! The "things" we get are appreciated but will be gone one day. Love and true appreciation for what you have will last a lifetime!! Well said.