Saturday, January 29, 2011

morning glory

Ahhh, mornings.
Why do you come so early? I would consider myself a morning person...not necessarily by choice, but because my pregnancies...which were sleepless, and my children who are early risers have taught me to do so.
When I was young, we were one of the first group of kids to be picked up on the bus and the last to be dropped off from school. Mornings have always been early for me. I always think "I wish I could sleep in!" but I rarely do, if given the chance.
Why would I want to sleep in? Why would I want to miss the puffy little just-woke-up-faces of my boys? Their absolute, tummy-tickling excitement of a new day. A new day to play, giggle, run. 
A new day.
Where nothing matters from the day before.
I always recap my boys' day with them both at bedtime and the following morning. 
At bedtime I like to talk about all the fun, great things we did. How we played and laughed. How Jenner made a funny noise, that only a nine month old bouncing baby boy could make. How Buzz Lightyear saved Thomas the Tank when he crashed going to down the big hill after his brakes gave out.
Ellis loves it. He loves talking about his day...and once he feels that we have remember every special moment, he starts telling me who is going "night night".
He says "Baby Jenner go night night, Daddy go night night, Papa G and SueSue go night night" (these are his grandparents in Thunder Bay...who yearn for the chance to kiss him goodnight, or read him books....or go "underwater" aka under his blanket on his big bed)
He will list almost every person he knows, and as he goes on and on, his sweet little voices gets softer, and softer. His amazing blue eyes start to blink and fight to stay open...oh Ellis. You are a special little guy.

We should learn from our beloved little children. These new, young, free-spirited souls.
We should practice what they do...every morning we should wake up with the excitment of a new about the greatness of the day before. Forget the negativity. Forget the tears. Just live for this day, because as my mother-in-law says...All we have is THIS moment.
Make the best of it.
Why do we think of the stresses of yesterday, and the previous day? Of a relationship gone bad? Of something that someone may have said?
Why don't we think of how great it was to have coffee with a friend. Or how great it was so accomplish three loads of laundry, and not think "There's four more loads of laundry on my floor".
You never see a depressed two year old. They could care less about the negativity from the day before.
They have overcome the sadness from when they had to share their favourite toy. They have overcome the time-out from not playing nice. They have overcome bedtime. Oh dreaded could we, as parents, force them to end their day of play?
Let's learn from them. Let's overcome our ailments, our stresses. Let's let go. Let's think of the new day, of what's to come...of the great accomplishments we will have. Let's revel in every moment the way our little babies do.
Let's be excited for the day...
As I type, Ellis is talking from the other side of his bedroom door, "Mommy...opee doh..." (open door) he is singing my name. I could sit here and listen for hours...he's making my day. He is singing "I'm gonna see mommeeeee....I'm going to sing the ladybug song...the laaaa-deeeeee bug sooooooooooo (big breath) oooooooooong!!"

Adorable. Sweet. Ellis.

And my little Jenner has been up for two hours, walking around furniture, taking oversized, sideways steps as he moves around the perimeter of the room.

I must go opee da doh.

Have a great day!

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